Primary FRCA MCQ Information

Primary FRCA MCQ Information
Photo by Unseen Studio / Unsplash

Here's a run down of everything you need to know about the MCQ component of the Primary FRCA examination.

  • It is delivered online using TestReach, info about which you can find here
  • It is a three hour exam
  • You have to pass it before you can sit the OSCE and SOE components

90 Single Best Answer Questions

New since September 2023, the exam will be entirely composed of SBA questions, with the previous Multiple True False style questions being phased out completely.

In general you can expect to be given:

  • 30 for pharmacology
  • 30 for physiology, biochemistry and anatomy
  • 30 for physics, clinical measurement, statistical methods and data interpretation

The curriculum requirements can be found here

Am I eligible to sit?

You need:

  • GMC licence or equivalent
  • RCoA membership (CT/ACCS/ICM) or equivalent
  • Not sat it more than five times before

Full details here


It is marked electronically and each question scores a single point, with no negative marking, so the total possible score is 90.

The pass mark is determined using the Angoff method, which basically means a bunch of experts decide what the pass mark should be.

Upcoming exam dates

  • Tuesday 3rd September - Apply between 28/05/24 and 08/08/24
  • Monday 18th November - Apply between 05/08/24 and 26/10/24

Currently it costs £400 to enter

For more info and to apply - click here

You can check out our ever-growing database of practice SBAs here