Intravenous fluids

Take home messages
- Decide if you're resuscitating or maintaining
- Review what impact your fluids are having
- Don't give colloids

Crystalloids are water-based solutions with added solutes (electrolytes or glucose). They differ in their composition, which determines their distribution throughout the body.
- Glucose effectively becomes free body water (i.e. not limited to the extracellular space) and so is not suitable for fluid resuscitation
- 'Normal’ Saline and ‘Balanced’ Crystalloids (such as Plasmalyte) are retained in the extracellular spaces (in plasma and the interstitium) and so are much more suitable for fluid resuscitation
Normal Saline

5% Dextrose


Hartmann’s Solution

4% Glucose with 0.18% NaCl

Colloids have been popular for their use as plasma volume expanders. This is because they are 100% retained within the intravascular space (at least initially). They are a crystalloid base with added colloid substance that does not freely diffuse across cell membranes.
For various reasons, their use has fallen out of favour.
However, you should be aware of their chemical classification and the pros and cons associated with each.
Human Albumin Solution




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We discuss R.O.S.E and the 4 phases of fluid therapy.
— Jonny Wilkinson (@Wilkinsonjonny) May 6, 2023
Organ support
We should really only have one phase - resuscitation and then standard maintenance. Period🤷♂️ why go too far and have to remove it..ideal world, I know!

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What proportion of the extracellular fluid compartment is plasma?
- Plasma makes up 20% of the extracellular fluid compartment
- It's 7% of the total body water
How is Plasmalyte buffered?
- Acetate
Bicarbonate is too unstable in solution.
Lactate is converted to bicarbonate in the healthy liver. Lactate is used as the buffer in Hartmann’s Solution (Lactated Ringer’s Solution) but not in Plasmalyte.
What is normal serum osmolality?
- 285-295 mOsm/kg
What is the estimated total body water of a 70kg man?
- 60%
- 42 litres
What are the adverse effects of colloids?
Due to the potential for Prion Disease transmission, Human Albumin Solution is sourced from the USA instead of the UK.
Dextrans are well known to be associated with renal failure.
Anaphylaxis is far more common with colloid use.
Starches are known to cause Factor VIII Deficiency.